In the short story “A Sound of Thunder ''" author Ray Bradbury, deepened the idea that small changes can have large consequences, by setting the story back 65 million years ago. The short story was not about just going back in time to kill a dinosaur, it was to gogoing back 65 million years ago to a time we know little about. The story is about going back into a time to before humanhumans or human intelligence roamed the earth, before all major human discoveries revolutionized the world. "Christ isn't born yet," said Travis, "Moses has not gone to the mountains to talk with God. The Pyramids are still in the earth, waiting to be cut out and put up. Remember that. Alexander, Caesar, Napoleon, Hitler ­none of them exists." Later on in the story, when Eckels, Travis and the other hunters are killing the dinosaur, Eckels panics and goes off the path. The path was a meant to stop time travelers from interfering with the past. whenWhen Eckels steps off the path, a whole new human timeline could have been introduced. Metaphorically speaking, the footprints Eckels made could of stophave stopped the birth of Hitler. For instance, "saySay we accidentally kill one mouse here (The past). That means all the future families of this one particular mouse are destroyed, right?" LetLet's suppose that the footprints stopstopped the birth of Hitler, that. That means that 6 million Jewish lives would have been spared, and possibly World War 2 couldII may have never happened. Hitler being the mouse, and "the future families of this one particular mouse are destroyed," being the actions Hitler madetook and how he changed the world in such a sinister way, just like that withof a few footprints in the past and all that is destroyed.

The text above was approved for publishing by the original author.

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